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See Yourself Clearly.

Love what you See.

What’s the Clarity Nook?

Anouk’s Clarity Nook is a positive, curious, and judgement-free coaching experience for high-potential individuals in any moment of their lives to become aware of their mindsets and habits, and to find out how to live in closest alignment with their strengths and desires. It is also a practical space designed to regulate the nervous system and instill health-giving habits.

My coaching approach is rooted in behavioral psychology, neuroscience, intuitive listening, habit change, and healthy lifestyle design. Rigorously trained through the Health Coach Institute, I completed an intensive program accredited by the International Coaching Federation (ICF) that led me to become a double-certified Life Coach and Health & Wellness Coach.

Through one-on-one coaching, I invite curious souls on a journey of self-discovery. With my support and accountability, you will find yourself taking actionable steps towards feeling your best self and working towards your purpose with healthy body and healthy mind.

While the coaching I offer is holistic in nature, integrating mindfulness techniques and breathwork independently of the end goal, I offer three distinct coaching programs to best suit your needs and achieve optimal results.

Holistic Mindful Living Coaching

Identify which areas of your life need nourishing to feel greater satisfaction and gratitude. Take tactical action towards becoming the best version of yourself and feeling your healthiest in all areas of your life.

Life Purpose Clarity Coaching

Get clear on what your goals are to live in greatest harmony with your values, strengths, and desires. Learn how to achieve them in a sustainable form that nourishes you and makes you feel your best.

Wellness & Nutrition Coaching

Understand the ways in which your current habits benefit or harm your overall health. Discover which wellness and nutrition habits fit your lifestyle and take action towards feeling your best self.

Why coaching?

Coaching takes you past your stopping points. When you are up to something new or important, your brain will will scan for danger and swing back and forth from worry to doubt and back to worry again. In coaching we use a Buddhist term to describe this aspect of the brain, Monkey mind, or in sciency terms, Negativity Bias. Coaching helps you get beyond the mental chatter that is giving you reasons to stop moving forward with your desires and having what you want in life.

How is coaching unique?

Therapy is for healing the past; coaching is for taking action in the present


Consulting offers expert advice; coaching draws out your own expertise


Mentoring offers the mentors wisdom; coaching uncovers your wisdom


Training fulfills set learning objectives; coaching clarifies your own objectives


None are “better” than another — just different tools for different jobs.

Benefits of coaching and what you can expect during a session:

Get clarity on what holds meaning and purpose for you
See yourself, others, and the world in a whole new way
Celebrate the little and big successes along the way
Create goals that feel achievable, purposeful and fun
Move through obstacles and feelings that used to stop you
Tools to consistently focus your attention on your vision and goals so that you are inspired to action and focus your energy on what is important each day


Clarity Café

1 month | 4 sessions
€200 +VAT

Awareness Lounge

2 months | 8 sessions
€380 +VAT

Transformation Garden

3 months | 12 sessions
€540 +VAT

Next Steps:

Book a free ‘Mindful Clarity’ Discovery Call with me to really grasp what you’d get out of coaching with my guidance and support.
If we are a fit, we will review and sign a digital contract and officially get started!
In our sessions you will see you are the hero of your own life, take action on what is important to you, and celebrate all the small and big successes!

Your Life, Rejuvenated

“People take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness. Just because they’re not on your road doesn’t mean they’ve gotten lost.”

Kara LucasYoga Instructor

“If we are to create a more peaceful world, made up of peaceful individuals, we need a greater concern for others. Altruism. That gives inner strength, self-confidence.”

Alex CohenLife Coach

a better life

a better life

a better life

a better life

a better life

About Anouk

Hello, friend! I’m glad you found me.
I am a French-Dutch citizen currently living in beautiful Madrid, Spain. I have a decade of working experience in the social impact sector, leading ambitious teams within reputable public and non-profit institutions.
My twenties were heavily centered around my career, achieving professional goals, making meaningful connections, and traveling to new and faraway places. When I turned 30, which happened to be right around the time of my wedding, I experienced burnout. I felt depleted, sad, ‘out of my body’ – something had to change. I had been putting in more than I could realistically handle, and my nervous system was in overdrive.
Work and especially being ‘productive’ at work defined my value, and put past trauma experience far, far in the rearview mirror (or so I thought).
Today, I am so thankful to mentor young professionals and coach high-achieving individuals at crucial moments in their lives to become more aware of their physical and mental health, mindsets, and habits, express gratitude and live harmoniously with the different areas of life. We sometimes forget that as people we are free adults, and the many distractions and preconceptions about life, success, and happiness can be so overwhelming that we lose the picture of who we are and what success and happiness means to us, personally.
My personal story and my constant dedication to feeling my best and supporting others in their journey is why I’m so committed to my coaching practice.

awaits you

awaits you

awaits you

awaits you

awaits you

Book a ‘Mindful Clarity’ Discovery Call